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June, 2015:

Does He Advertise Luggage?

Meanwhile, in another part of the DC Comics universe… Vertigo to be exact. Astro City is of course the well-known “different take on the super-hero concept” comic written by Kurt Busiek. All sorts of characters waltz in and waltz out of its pages, and in Astro City #23, it’s an ape. Yes, Sticks is a talking gorilla, but he’s not in town to be a superhero… he just wants to play the drums in a rock band! This first issue of a 2-part story arc is illustrated by Brent Anderson with, of course, a painted cover by Alex Ross. Look for it now.

image c. 2015 Vertigo Comics

image c. 2015 Vertigo Comics

The Girls Remain

It has now been 9 months since a very well-known furry artist, James Hardiman, passed away. (Far too soon.) If you had a chance to meet Jim at a furry or comic book convention over the years, you might well have met Pauline Hardiman — she’s his mom, and was something of his business partner for his art sales. Recently, Pauline let it be known that she and Jim’s family are hard at work trying to complete and publish Jim’s last work: A Skunkworks graphic novel, starring the famous sexy skunk sisters Natasha, Lori, and Onyx (and their equally sexy mother, Valencia). Pauline has been working together with Jason Canty of Angry Viking Press to get the graphic novel in publishable shape. Currently Angry Viking Press is running a Kickstarter campaign to finance their latest batch of publications — and the Skunkworks graphic novel is among them. Check it out. There’s some further explanation from Pauline.

image c. 2015 by James Hardiman

image c. 2015 by James Hardiman