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Dark Horse Press

A History of Comic Strip Art

Jerry Robinson is a living legend in the world of comics, having created The Joker and having been involved in the comics industry for more than 70 years now (!). In 1974 Jerry was the author and editor of a book which has since become a world-famous study: The Comics: An Illustrated History of Comic Strip Art. Now that historic book has been updated and re-released in trade paperback form by Dark Horse Comics. The press release describes it as “…a comprehensive history of the truly American art form! The Comics is a fully reworked and updated edition of the 1974 classic that chronicles the origins and evolution of comic strips, from prior to The Yellow Kid through today, and highlights the game-changing contributions of such creative luminaries as Milton Caniff, Walt Kelly, Hal Foster, and Winsor McCay, among countless others. A fascinating resource of enduring excellence for fans of the art form, historians, and casual readers alike, this edition has been extensively revisited by Robinson and tells the stories behind the newsprint page.” Needless to say, many furry comic strips are covered in this extensive history, including Bloom County, Peanuts, Calvin & Hobbes, Pogo, Garfield, and many many more. This new edition goes on sale this April.

Steampunk Badger

Grandville is a new full-color steampunk anthropomorphic graphic novel, written and illustrated by Bryan Talbot (The Tale of One Bad Rat, Alice in Sunderland). Created in England, it’s being released in North America by Dark Horse Press (in hardcover) this coming October. Here’s the story: After 200 years of French rule (having lost the war to Napoleon), the Socialist Republic of Britain is now a backwards, backwater land “connected by railway bridge, steam-powered dirigible, and mutual suspicion to France”. When a British diplomat (an otter) is murdered, and the deed made to look like a suicide, fearless detective LeBrock of Scotland Yard (a badger, of course) steps in to solve the case.  But doing so will bring him muzzle-to-muzzle with a ruthless murder squad. The brave badger’s quest for answers will take him far and wide through this world of steam-driven hansom cabs, automatons, and flying machines.  Want to see a preview? Visit Bryan Talbot’s Grandville site.