Once again it’s time to nominate someone special for the Good Furry Awards. What’s that you ask? Started in 2019 by Grubbs Grizzly (host of the Ask Papabear web site), the Good Furry Awards are presented annually to recognize folks all over who represent the spirit of the furry fandom. People like Dogbomb, Ash Coyote, Cassidey Civet, and more — all nominated and voted on by furry fans like you. So now it’s your turn! Nominations are open all the way ’till September of 2024, then voting starts shortly after — and the winner is announced in mid-October. This year, for the first time the awards are diversifying, the better to celebrate furries who aren’t necessarily media celebrities (yet!). Now there’s a Good Egg Award (for furries helping others), an Image Award (for folks promoting and educating about the Furry Fandom) and the Furtastic Award (for just plain helpful folks!). Find out about all this and more at the official Good Furry Awards page — and check out the WikiFur article to see the furs who’ve been nominated and honored before!

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