Also new from Simon & Schuster, the Pup Detective graphic novels are written by Felix Gumpaw and, once again, illustrated by Glass House Graphics. Volume 1 is called The First Case, sensibly enough. “Puppy PI Rider Woofson thought he was the only detective at Pawston Elementary, but while bringing down a pencil theft ring, he finds out that there are other super sleuths at school. Fortunately (or not!) there’s plenty of pet-ty crime happening at Pawston, so Rider joins forces with the other puppy PIs to form the PI Pack—the best (and only!) detective group at school. Their first case is high stakes because it hits every student in the belly…a lunchtime bandit is stealing the best food from the cafeteria! Will the Pup Detectives bring the noodle nabber to justice, or will the hungry students of Pawston be left to endure Soup Surprise for lunch every day?” Check out the rest of the series as well, in paperback or hardcover.

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