We got this directly from the creator themselves! “Smallbug Press is proud to announce the release of the Lauren Ipsum book by Charles Brubaker. The 130-page black-and-white paperback contains over 200 Lauren Ipsum comic strips, as well as a bonus story The Flying Catfish. The comic stars a rabbit named Lauren, who works as a professional librarian and part-time writer. Along with Dewey DeSmall (a fox) and Gutenberg (a cat), she runs a library in the all-animal city of St. Paws… Lauren Ipsum first appeared online on October 31, 2022, and has since gained a dedicated following. The Weakley County Press started running the strip on November 15th of the same year. Lauren Ipsum is available for purchase through Amazon worldwide. Signed copies can be purchased directly from the creator at laurenbook.smallbugstudio.com.” You can also find the latest on-line comic strips there as well.

image c. 2023 Smallbug Press