Another graphic novel series for young, beginning readers. We came across the Bobo and Pup-Pup series, written by Vikram Madan and illustrated by Nicola Slater. It features two young animals with very different personalities who are still best friends. The first book in the series is called We Love Bubbles. “Did you ever have a friend who likes doing something that you find completely annoying? Well, Bobo and Pup-Pup both love bubbles. Bubbles are the absolute best–on that they can agree! While Pup-Pup loves blowing them, Bobo loves popping them…way too much for Pup-Pup’s taste. It’s getting frustrating! Pup-Pup has a clever idea to stop Bobo from popping them. But, then Bobo gets carried away…literally!” Three more books in the series so far, and more on their way as well.

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