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Pinnipeds of Power

And then, Out Of Nowhere part two. Recently we came across Seal Team, a new CGI animated film coming to Netflix soon. From “After his best friend is killed in a shark attack, Quinn, a lovable yet tenacious seal assembles a SEAL TEAM to fight back against a gang of sharks overtaking the neighborhood. But this merry band of international seals are not at all trained for such a mission. They seek the help of a much more skillful combatant, Claggart, but even his tricks and flips can’t whip these guys into shape. However, with a little bit of ingenuity, intelligence and a lot of heart, our seal team may actually be able to bring peace back to their undersea community.” Turns out this is the latest animation from Triggerfish in South Africa (whom we have covered quite a bit in the past!), now working in a very different style reminiscent of Spiderman — Into The Spiderverse. Look at the trailer, you’ll see what we mean.

image c. 2021 Netflix

Sharks Just Want To Feel Pretty

Lily Williams works in illustration and visual development for animation — and she has a particular af-FIN-ity for sharks. So much so that she created her own animated mini-documentary called FIN-conceivable. It tells us several interesting facts about sharks and makes a plea for their preservation in the wild oceans. Meanwhile she’s also found time to work on various cartoon projects at Sony Animation. Take a look at her web site, and follow the links to check out FIN-conceivable at Video Press.

image c. 2014 by Lily Williams

image c. 2014 by Lily Williams