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The Passion of the Wolf

Another one from 2014 that passed us by — but this one definitely not for young readers! Werewolf Nights is the first novel from Mari Hamill. From the official web site, here’s the summary: “Threatened by financial ruin, widowed bakery owner Catherine Mercy leads a solitary life with more interest in reading about werewolf lore than in finding a man. Her one true love disappeared after high school and her now deceased husband kept her trapped in the house claiming that a werewolf might hunt her down one day, just as her grandmother repeatedly warned her. When Hollywood interrupts the town’s monotony by shooting a werewolf movie on location, Catherine decides to audition. Already in her thirties, she feels ridiculous trying to become an actress, but lands the leading role. Catherine’s daily routine turns into a hair-raising adventure as fame begins to monitor her wonderings and she falls for her sexy costar Greg Byron, in spite of the actor’s neon warning sign that flashes conceited womanizer. Just when romance sparkles, a wolf bites Greg. While Greg’s features turn lupine, Cathrine discovers a resemblance between the movie script and her family’s history. Afraid, Catherine recruits werewolf expert Steve to figure out if the film’s werewolf legend is real and Wolfern, the werewolf her grandmother spoke about, has finally come for her. If it is, Greg will turn into a dangerous werewolf. Only finding a way to undo Greg’s curse and destroying Wolfern before the next full moon can save their love and their lives.” Got all that? Werewolf Nights is available in paperback from Dog Ear Publishing. Funny that.

image c. 2015 Dog Ear Press

image c. 2015 Dog Ear

The Times They Are A’Changing

More back in the “where have we been?” realm is the Wereworld series of books written by Curtis Jobling — who happens to be the creator of the world famous Bob the Builder and (for Nickelodeon) Curious Cow. But he’s always harbored a soft (dark?) spot for classic horror, and now the Wereworld series is his first set of novels… still for young readers but decidedly for older kids! “Imagine a world ruled by Werelords–men and women who can shift at will into bears, lions, and serpents. When Drew suddenly discovers he’s not only a werewolf but the long-lost heir to the murdered Wolf King’s throne, he must use his wits and newfound powers to survive in a land suddenly full of enemies. Drew’s the only one who can unite the kingdom in a massive uprising against its tyrant ruler, Leopold the Lion. But the king is hot on Drew’s tail and won’t rest until he’s got the rebel wolf’s head.” And that’s just the first book, Wereworld: Rise of the Wolf from 2012. The series is up to book six now, and more are coming.  You can find the books in paperback over at Amazon, or check out the Wereworld web site for lots of background and extra goodies — or baddies.

image c. 2015 Puffin Books

image c. 2015 Puffin Books

This Will Go Down On Your Permanent Record

Well now, this is something different: A “making of” book for a graphic novel. And in tune with the season as well. “High school can be tough enough as it is, but things get even more complicated when you’ve been bitten by a werewolf! Bestselling YA author Cornelia Funke (Inkheart) teams up with comic book artist and character designer extraordinaire Francisco Herrera and former Disney Animator and film Director Raul Garcia (The Missing Lynx) to create a wild and furry world where werewolves are real and hiding in plain view, even in high school! This lavishly illustrated sketch book documents the creative process of transforming Funke’s best-selling Young Werewolf into a brand new, exciting graphic novel series. Hundreds of sketches and color studies show the process of fleshing out the characters of the book as we discover the story of Matt, Lisa, and the incredible odds they have to face to battle an old Hollywood curse.” Bitten: The Full Moon Book is coming soon (in limited quantities) from Magnetic Press. Find out more over at Nerds Unchained.

image c. 2015 Magnetic Press

image c. 2015 Magnetic Press

Who Will Be the Wolf Next?

Last year DC Comics’ Vertigo line introduced an interesting new take on the killer werewolf  trope with the full-color mini-series Wolf Moon, written by Cullen Bunn and illustrated by Jeremy Haun. In it the werewolf is not a person, or even a group of people: It’s a malevolent transforming spirit that hops from person to person every rise of the full moon, making it difficult to track and nearly impossible to stop. Dillon was one of the werewolf’s former targets — and he is determined to find the werewolf spirit and destroy it once and for all. Now just in time for Halloween, Vertigo have announced that Wolf Moon #1 to #6 have been collected in a single trade paperback edition coming in late October.

image c. 2015 Vertigo

image c. 2015 Vertigo

Here Come the Wolves

Moving to a new town can be hard. Being a half-vampire/half-werewolf hybrid only makes things more complicated. But that’s what confronts teenage Angela, the protagonist of the Alpha Wolf series of books by horror and paranormal author Jennifer Maimone. Making matters more interesting is the fact that Angela’s best friends are all pure werewolves. Then a local werewolf brings them shocking news: Something powerful and demonic has been slaughtering local witches… and may soon turn its attention to werewolves. That’s the start of Demon’s Prize, the first book in the series, with the sequel A Cursed Soul coming out next year. The author’s web site has links to several places you can check out or purchase her books.

image c. 2015 Jennifer Maimone

image c. 2015 Jennifer Maimone

Beware the Wolf Bearing Gifts

Next month, Yen Press will premier a new hardcover black & white graphic novel based on The Wolf Gift, author Anne Rice’s new take on werewolves in the modern world. “When reporter Reuben Golding arrives at a secluded mansion at the request of the home’s mysterious female owner, he doesn’t expect this assignment will lead to him being inexplicably attacked-bitten-by a beast shadowed in darkness. This single event prompts a terrifying but seductive transformation that both opens Reuben’s eyes to what was previously unseen and unknown, and leads to even more questions. Why was he given this wolf gift? Is its nature good or evil? And is he now all alone in this mysterious new world?” The Wolf Gift was adapted and illustrated by Ashley Marie Witter. You can order it over at Barnes & Noble.

image c. 2014 Yen Press

image c. 2014 Yen Press

Centurions of Fur and Claw

We’ll finish up our werewolf triple-play with this one. Later this month Alterna Comics will release Empire of the Wolf issues #1 through #4 as a singe graphic novel in trade paperback. From Previews: “During the Roman conquest of Britain, a werewolf’s bite re-ignites the legendary feud between Romulus and Remus, pitting two centurions against each other in an epic war of werewolves that will decide the fate of Roman Empire itself. Empire of the Wolf is the saga that reveals the myth behind the history of ancient Rome. ” It’s written by Michael Kogge and illustrated by Dan Parsons.

image c. 2014 Alterna Comics

image c. 2014 Alterna Comics

A Werewolf with Regrets

Action Lab must be on a werewolf kick lately. This one is from their Danger Zone imprint: “Pearl City is full of vampires, zombies, werewolves, and more. In a futuristic world where supernatural beings live among humans in peace, Jack Crimson finds his life as a werewolf frustrating and wants nothing more than a cure. Desperate to free himself from this curse, he makes a series of decisions leading him down a path that will change his life forever.” Crimson Society is written by Mike Hunau and illustrated in full color by Carlos Trigo. You can go have a look-see over at Comixology.

image c. 2014 Action Lab

image c. 2014 Action Lab


Howling Dixie

The power of Nature (for good and bad) runs headlong into The Evil That Men Do in Southern Dog, a new full-color 4-issue comic miniseries from Jeremy Holt (writing) and Alex Diotto (art). “When awkward high school teen Jasper Dixon conceals an injury sustained during a hunting excursion with his family, his infected wolf bite combined with the hormonal changes of puberty triggers a disturbing physical transformation. Now he’s forced to confront his Deep South upbringing and monsters far worse than what he’s become!” It’s out now from Action Lab, and you can get a preview over at Comic Book Resources.

image c. 2014 Action Lab

image c. 2014 Action Lab